Greenstyle Creations Brassie Joggers

I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I was never a jogger person. I never understood the appeal of wearing sweatpants. But hey - we are nearly 9 months now into a pandemic and comfort is key when working from home for most people. I'm hoping to come out of this pandemic a little lighter and healthier. I am walking daily and need to wear clothing that looks alright with my sneakers. This has meant I wore mostly leggings up to this point. But it is getting a bit cooler and I wanted something a bit warmer. That has set me on a path to find the best joggers for my body. After making my husband 2 pairs of the Greenstyle Iron Joggers (which he loves), I decided to try the Brassie Joggers for myself. 

The Brassie Joggers do have more of a relaxed fit than other jogger patterns that I have tried. I'm really not a fan of the super tight joggers that are more like leggings than sweatpants. 

I have big thighs and often need to do a full thigh adjustment. No adjustment needed on these babies. They had enough room from the get go. They are so relaxed, that I was even able to use some french terry from my stash with barely enough stretch. 

I used a 100% cotton french terry which means it has zero recovery. I used a green supplex for the waistband (not shown due to it's mismatched state). I used scraps of this Carta Marina fabric from Zenith and Quasar from my top for the bottom cuffs. I'm short and made length adjustments, but my cuffs are not very visible when I am standing. 

I'm wearing some of my favorite trail shoes from Columbia and wore this outfit to get my infusion right before Thanksgiving. I was so comfortable. I'll have to put it to the walking test soon and if it passes, I'll make another pair or two. I also did my pockets as a bagged pocket as I dislike the look of pockets sewn to the front of pants.

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