2 weeks - Ending December 11, 2022

First off - I did not intend to go another 2 weeks without a post, but I had a good reason for it. I got a longarm (also - I cannot get the app to work right now on my phone for Blogger)! It was gifted to me by a kind member of the local sewing group (DFW Sewing on Facebook) and it's taken some time to get it set up and going. I think I'm finally ready to actually use it now! 

Before we brought the longarm home, I knew I needed to rearrange a few things. I decided to move all my spare/extra machines to this shelf in the corner. Some didn't have dust covers and I'd just been covering them  with random pieces of fabric. I took an evening to make covers for the two that didn't have one. I used this cute Sewing Notions print by B0rwear that I got from My Fabric Designs (he also sells on Spoonflower). 

I received my December fabrics from Jaftex and received the Canyon Birds collection by Jennifer Brinley for Studio e Fabrics. I love the color palette of this collection and decided to make the Kitchen Table Quilting Luna Quilt.  

The longarm I was given is a Tin Lizzie 18 ESP Limited with Quilt Magician Software and Butler Robotics on a Phoenix Frame. The frame can be set up as 6' or 12'. We first set up just the base at 12' and realized there was not quite enough room, so we set it up at 6'. 

While figuring out the new Longarm, I began sewing together my Luna Quilt. It's going together really fast. 

On December 9th, I took off from work and met up with my dear sewing friend Sharon. She brought me fabric that she picked up for me  on Black Friday. I told her I needed some Anna Maria Horner fabrics with big flowers as I had an idea to do some appliques. 

My husband was also off that Friday. During my week to play with my new to me longarm, I realized I wasn't going to be happy with a 6' frame. I make big throws and rarely do I make a quilt that would fit this frame. If I was going to have something big in the room, it really needed to be extremely useful. On Friday we moved out  my desk where my computer is and replaced it with a folding table I used previously in my sewing room at my former house. I had been using a dining room table as a desk. That table is now in our dining room and our old dining room table will be going to my mother in law. So now I had room for the 12' frame!

That did mean that I lost my cutting table, but that will soon be resolved. My mom has an old Singer Sewing Machine treadle base that I can have and I will be adding a top to it like this one that I made in 2020. Hers doesn't have the drawers, but I am pretty sure I have an extra set of them in the garage. My cutting table will sit right next to my pressing table and I'll be back to normal. I will be on the lookout for a new desk, but my folding table will do for now. 

Hopefully I can share some photos of some items I completed on my new to be longarm soon. 

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