Scrappy Rainbow Entropy Quilt

I love the Entropy Quilt Pattern from Squats and Running Stitches. There are instructions for making a scrappy version on their blog and that is what I used to make mine. The blog instructions give you various size cuts that work, but I like to keep things simple and stick to just 5" squares (charm pack cuts) and 4.5" squares. The pattern goes together so quick! So quick, that I was able to make this top in 1 day! Granted - I had cut the background fabric and some of the scrappy pieces a few days before.

I had to finish this quilt quickly as I was making it as a surprise gift for a dear friend. She just became a grandma and would be leaving in a few days to go see the new baby. 

I initially was going to make my quilt in only shades of teal and turquoise. When I heard the baby was a little girl, well - I felt like I could do something more colorful and playful. I took a Friday off from work and went through my box I keep of 5" squares and charm packs. I picked out a rainbow of fabrics and just started sewing.  

The lady that does longarming for me occasionally happens to be a mutual friend and she agreed to quilt my quilt in a day! I was so thankful she was able to work me in and save me some time. I took the quilt to her on Friday afternoon and was able to pick it up from her on Sunday morning. I added the binding and called my friend and acted like I had a sewing emergency that I needed her assistance with. 

The new mother is a doctor and when I first heard that she was expecting, I knew I was going to make a quilt for her and use this vintage medical diagram print for the backing. I got this fabric from Zenith & Quasar  in 2015!  It's been sitting in my stash waiting for the perfect use and I found it!

Most might think that this fabric is a little macabre, but I find that  those with a scientific background tend to gravitate toward what "normal" people would consider dark. 

The quilt is now in it's new home and I'm eagerly waiting to hear from the new grandma about meeting her granddaughter.  I loved making this quilt and hope the baby girl will enjoy it for years to come.

If you didn't notice the kitty in the photo above, here  you can definitely see her. That's Nia and she's wondering when she gets a quilt of her own.

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1 comment:

  1. it is amazing to me how you could design such a well-thought-out color progression in just a day! Your quilt is beautiful and I'd love to have some of that back fabric.
